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Book Chapter: Chapter 10
Motion Planning
This video introduces the general motion planning problem , several variants, and properties of different motion planners.
This video introduces the notions of C-space (configuration space) obstacles, connected components of the free configuration space, and collision detection.
This video introduces graph representations of free C-space, including undirected and directed graphs, weighted and unweighted graphs, and trees.
This video describes A* graph search, one of the most popular and efficient methods for finding optimal paths in a graph.
This video introduces roadmap methods for complete path planning: if a path exists, then a roadmap method is guaranteed to find one. Such methods tend to be applied to only simple, low-dimensional problems, however. One example, given in the video, is path planning for a planar polygon translating among polygonal obstacles.
This video introduces grid methods for path planning, where the free C-space is represented by a regular grid that can be searched using standard graph search methods (e.g., A*). To increase efficiency, multi-resolution grids can also be employed.
This video introduces the popular sampling-based probabilistic roadmap (PRM) approach to motion planning.
This video introduces the popular sampling-based rapidly-exploring random trees (RRT) approach to motion planning.
This video introduces the virtual potential field method for reactive motion planning, where obstacles are at a high potential and the goal is at the minimum potential. The negative of the gradient of the potential is a force that pushes the robot away from obstacles and toward the goal.
This video is a brief introduction to the broad field of optimization-based approaches for robot motion planning.